About Me

Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia
Bavaria 40 cruiser yacht Crew for Bali: Skipper: Geoff Chambers. Navigator and Engineer: Martin Chambers. Sailing master: Andrew Maffett. Medical Officer: Sandra Chambers. Purser: Janet Williamson.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Morning of Day 3

Winds are no longer beating Sandale on the nose. Travelling at 5-6 knots with nearby companion boats Marco Polo, Farruca and Scaramouche hugging the shore with us as we approach Geraldton. The Cat Ice-cube pulled in to Jurien yesterday with radio trouble and our friendly rival Farr-lap has headed further out to sea.

Yesterday was full of sea sickness for most. 
'....all well, well a little sick, except of course the relentless Maff who bounds about as if this is an adventure. So much food, didn't eat last night or this morning'  reports Navigator Marty.

1 comment:

  1. you mean we bought all that food for nothing!?! hope the seas are kinder to you soon :)
