About Me

Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia
Bavaria 40 cruiser yacht Crew for Bali: Skipper: Geoff Chambers. Navigator and Engineer: Martin Chambers. Sailing master: Andrew Maffett. Medical Officer: Sandra Chambers. Purser: Janet Williamson.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Dancing Girls Arrive To See Us Off

The crew and private dancers
We are now truly ready to depart, having danced with the Indonesian beauties at the F2B Gala Farewell Dinner, and have made arrangements to meet up with them again in 2 weeks when we get to Bali. 

Geoff also got the business card of his 'friend' the Director General of the Ministry of Tourism and Culture, in case we need any assistance at any point of our journey!  All good!!

Fan dance

Last supper

Maff and Jen
June and Geoff


  1. I just noticed that you a can get an iPhone version of the tracker from a link at the bottom of www.fremantlebali.com link to the right of the blog page so you can follow the race on your phone.

  2. good luck Maff and Crew! blue skies, fair winds!
    Rick & Em and the boys!

  3. Good Luck Andrew! Will see you when you reach Broome!
