well we are sitting in a beach side cafe on a tiny island on the north west corner of Lombok called Gilli Air. Beach side is stretching the truth as I can almost extend my foot out and touch the water. There's free internet so it really is heaven on earth. If we didn't have to get the 'extras' back to Sambawa (~200M) by Tuesday we'd stay here for a while. Yesterday Andrew rode a turtle while we were snorkeling. Its amazing - like swimming in a posh fish tank at Cicerellos.
We are two days out of Bali now after an amazing presentation night. The Indo's put an a huge 'do' right on the beach in front of the hotel with linen and crystal, vast buffet and a surprisingly good local band. Most of the Indo pop bands sound like Ikea meets Abba to do 'greatest elevator hits' but this band really was good.
The highlight was Marty won the Navigator's Trophy as the best navigator for both the rally and race fleets which is a huge accomplishment. Although he came last in the speech-making stakes saying only he was as lost making speeches as he felt when navigating. Sandale was awarded 3rd for the Rally fleet result but i can't make sense of the scoring system and suspect it to be highly arbitrary and that no one was to win twice. But the navigators trophy was the best.
They didn't show the movies unfortunately as Sandy's was brilliant. (keep and eye out for this - will be uploaded as soon as possible!)
There was a contest for the best boat song and I wrote a song which I thought was pretty good but the band didn't know the tune to "Drinking Rum and Coca Cola - working for the Yankee dollar" by the Andrew's sisters and after the first two boats did their renditions with full band support to Hotel California and then Hallelujah, our boat decided that me singing lead to a song none of them knew might scar Aus Indo relations permanently, so we didn't do it.
So now the plan is to take a more leisurely trip back through East Indo rather than rush and try to squeeze Kimberley on as well. Everyone well and enjoying themselves.
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